Capital Raise – Private Equity and Structured Debt
The need for capital to finance growth is a natural step in the life cycle of a company but presents many challenges, from finding the right investor to structuring transaction.

We enable equity and structured debt capital for mid tire corporates to catalyse growth to fund acquisitions, restructurings, recapitalizations, and expansions. We also facilitate venture capital for early-stage companies to promote great ideas. We hand hold you through the entire capital raising process, from strategizing the capital need, timing the capital raise, preparing documentations, financial models & pitch materials, reaching out to the right set of investors, negotiating key terms & covenants up till final closure. We strive to find the right financing partners to achieve the most economically attractive and flexible structure, consistent with market conditions and management objectives. Fervent will also assist in capital market transactions including Initial Public offer and Private placements

Our Financial Advisory process includes


Strategizing the need to raise capital, Quantum of funds required Vs Dilution, Optimal structure - Debt/equity, Timing the fund raise Vs Financial market conditions.

Packaging the Transaction

Presenting the business case through financial models, Information memorandum, pitch decks, teasers and presentations.

Reach out to investors:

Enable roadshow and presenting the Investment case to the right set of investors.

Negotiation and firming up

Negotiate with the Investors to obtain the best value and terms of investment


Handhold the client through the definitive agreements. Coordinate with all stakeholders in the transaction to smooth sail the transaction to closure.